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Luxembourg National Research Fund

Boosters and vaccinating children: What is the point of view in Luxembourg?

How many vaccinated people in Luxembourg want to get a booster? How many parents want to have their children vaccinated? Answers to these and other questions on the topic of vaccination are provided by a current representative survey conducted by FNR/ in cooperation with researchers from Luxembourg.

Between 27 November and 5 December, 600 adults were interviewed about vaccination in a statistically representative survey. The study was conducted by the FNR/, in collaboration with researchers from Luxembourg – namely Joël Mossong, epidemiologist at the Health Department, and Anja Leist, FNR ATTRACT Fellow and social scientist at the University of Luxembourg.

Overview of key findings

  • 87% of those vaccinated have either already had a booster or want one.
  • 56% of respondents have a positive attitude towards vaccinations for children aged 5-11.
  • 66% of parents who have children between the ages of 5 and 11 want to have their children vaccinated. The parents concerned thus have a more positive attitude than the population as a whole.
  • Almost 6% of those vaccinated said they had been vaccinated abroad. This is consistent with several observations and has already been suspected by researchers. It suggests that there are probably slightly more vaccinated people in Luxembourg than recorded in the official figures.
  • Only 1% said they still want to be vaccinated, 11% do not want to be vaccinated
  • 68% of respondents have confidence in the actions of the state and institutions in the fight against Covid-19. 21% do not have this confidence.
  • Among the vaccinated, 77% have confidence in the actions of the Government and institutions in the fight against Covid-19. Among the unvaccinated, the picture is different: 53% of the unvaccinated have no confidence.

Survey conducted by Jean-Paul Bertemes (FNR/, Joël Mossong (Ministry of Health), Anja Leist (University of Luxembourg), Quest

Regarding the clear correlation between vaccine refusal and mistrust in Government and science, social scientist Prof Anja Leist explained:

“Based on the new data, we see that there are still concerns that vaccination has long-term consequences and that the vaccines do not seem to be tested enough – these are unfounded concerns, according to the findings of science, and can be addressed through more targeted communication. It is important here that these people, as is done for example in Great Britain, are reached by actors with whom there is trust, for example patient associations or religious communities.

“Those who have not yet been vaccinated have no intention of being vaccinated. This means that there are obviously no or only minor barriers to getting vaccinated. Those who are willing to be vaccinated have already been vaccinated, now it is a matter of convincing those who are hesitant.”

Read more on in German

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