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Luxembourg National Research Fund

FNR joins annual meeting of Global Research Council (GRC)

The FNR this week joins global research funders to address interdisciplinarity and issues concerning women in research.

The FNR is debating global approaches to interdisciplinarity and the equality and status of women in research with funding leaders from across the world at the Global Research Council (GRC) 2016 Annual Meeting.

The GRC promotes international research collaboration and impact by providing a unique global forum for research funding agencies around the world to share best practice and data, and discuss research funding policy issues. The long-term objective of the GRC is to foster multi-lateral research and collaboration across continents to benefit both developing and developed nations. More than 60 heads of Research Councils and expert observers will attend this year’s meeting on 25-27 May in New Delhi, which is jointly hosted by the Indian Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Research Councils UK (RCUK).

Participants will discuss and endorse a Statement of Principles on Interdisciplinarity and an Action Plan towards Equality and Status of Women in Research at the meeting on behalf of the global research community.

Dr Marc Schiltz, Secretary-general of the FNR, who is representing Luxembourg at the 2016 GRC Annual Meeting in New Delhi, said: “Research and Science have a strong global dimension. The policy issues discussed within the GRC are matters that can only be addressed by coordinating strategy and actions among research funders worldwide. I am particularly pleased that the FNR has recently taken action to promote the “Equality and Status of Women in Research”, which is one of the topics to be discussed at the GRC Annual meeting”.

Dr Brakaspathy, Secretary, SERB, said: “SERB is delighted to host the 2016 GRC Annual Meeting in New Delhi along with co-host, Research Councils UK. I have been associated with GRC activities since its inception in 2011, and it has made rapid strides during the last five years. The two topics identified for this meeting namely, “Interdisciplinarity” and “Equality and Status of Women in Research” are of utmost relevance to all funding agencies across the world. SERB and other funding agencies in India are vigorously promoting interdisciplinarity research and addressing ‘gender parity’ issues. I am sure the deliberations at the Delhi meeting will give fillip to further enhance these activities, and enhance international collaborations.”

Professor Philip Nelson, Chair of RCUK, said: “The worldwide growth of public support for research has presented an opportunity for countries large and small to work together across national borders. Co-operation and collaboration can enhance the quality of research, avoid unnecessary duplication, provide economies of scale, and address  issues that can only be solved by working together. Adopting the Statement and Action Plan as a global community is the foundation of greater alignment and capacity building across research funding agencies worldwide and demonstrates the value of the GRC in providing a forum for sharing best practice.”

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