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Luxembourg National Research Fund

Second joint FNR-MAVDR Call on Sustainable & Resilient Agriculture & Food Systems – survey

The FNR and the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development (MAVDR) organised in the frame of their new joint call an info and matchmaking event on November 10 at the new Lycée Technique Agricole (LTA) in Gilsdorf. The event had the purpose of bringing together researchers and stakeholders from the agricultural sector to get to know each other, to exchange on their expectations and to explore potential opportunities for working together.

Event slides

Keynote presentation

The event hit broad interest with more than 70 participants (researchers, farmers, agricultural advisors and other actors from the agricultural sector).

After a welcome note by Marc Weyland, director of the ASTA, the call features of the new FNR-MAVDR call were presented. In a keynote speech by Evelien Cronin, the relevance of co-creation in agricultural research was explained and underlined with practical examples. The keynote was followed by a presentation of the LTA field trials in Bettendorf. All participants were invited afterwards to directly interact with each other in the frame of three thematic networking groups. The event was closed by Tom Delles, director of the LTA.

A good interaction between participants could be observed, despite the range of backgrounds, interests and languages. It is expected that further such opportunities for exchange between researchers and the agricultural sector are developed in future.

The organisers also would like to thank the LTA for hosting this event and for their excellent support before and during the event.

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About the call

Following a pilot call in 2021, the FNR and the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development (MAVDR) are again joining forces to put forward a 2nd call for proposals to support policy making and to help the decision-making process. The Call deadline is 27 February 2023.

The joint FNR-MAVDR call aims to support applied multidisciplinary research on innovative resilient and sustainable farming practices and systems in three thematic research fields:

1. Adaptation of Luxemburg’s Agriculture to Climate Change

2. Adaptation of Local Farming Practices to Reduce Nutrient Losses and their Impact on Water Resources

3. Adaptation of Local Farming Practices to improve their Impact on Biodiversity and Related Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems

Go to FNR-MAVDR programme page

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