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Luxembourg National Research Fund

FNR Privacy Statement

Data protection

The protection of individual personal data is an important concern of ours. The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal information. The processing of the data gathered on this site is done by FNR staff or any person who may replace them.

Personal information is collected on this website only by one’s voluntary registration, for example by subscribing to a newsletter or by accepting certain types of cookies. The collected information will not be transferred to any commercial company or organisation in Luxembourg or overseas.

The FNR, as a public institution, has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO). MGSI S. à r.l. has been mandated in this function. Its headquarters are located in Luxembourg, Wintrange, 52a route du vin, L-5495.

Regarding the processing of your data

1. The Data Controller

The Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) is the Data Controller.


Maison du Savoir
2, avenue de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Tel.: +352 26 19 25-1
Fax.: +352 26 19 25-35

Postal Address:
B.P. 1777
L-1017 Luxembourg


The FNR is a public institution set up under the Law of 31 May 1999 (published in Memorial A no. 88 of 06 July 1999) with the mission of contributing to the ongoing and long-term development of the national public research system. For any questions regarding this site and its contents, you can contact us by email or write to us at the postal address above.

2. The data processed

We collect your personal data in various situations:

  • our contact form;
  • your subscription request to our newsletter;
  • when you contact us by email or by social media;
  • when you register to an FNR Event and wish to participate to that event;
  • when you register to our FNR Online Grant Submission System;
  • when you submit a (spontaneous) job application or you respond to a job offer.

In these different circumstances, we may collect and process the following categories of personal data:

Category of Personal DataInformation / examples
Personal characteristicsIdentity (surname, first name), postal address, email address, fixed/mobile phone number.

Date and place of birth, age, sex, family situation, nationality, language.

Leisure & interests: hobbies, sports.

Education, trainingAcademic CV, education, training, diplomas

Professional experience

Membership, participation in organisations and associations

Publications: books, articles, reports, conferences.

Professional life: Date of hiring, Description of the position held

Electronic IDIP addresses, cookies & tracers, terminal identifiers, event logs, logs, web browsing histories
Bank identificationIdentification and bank account number (BIC, IBAN)
Authentication dataLogin, authentication( initial password), token

Please note that we do not collect “sensitive data” under Article 9 of the GDPR.

3. For what purpose do we process your data?

We use your personal solely for the purpose of:

  • Processing of applications submitted to the FNR as part of calls launched by FNR, or joint calls with partners in Luxembourg and abroad.
  • Responding to your information or contact requests. This processing is carried out with your consent;
  • Sending you our newsletter and any news related to our company’s activities (our services, the conferences and trainings we organize, the events in which we participate, our partnerships). This processing is carried out with your consent;
  • Recruitment. This processing is based on entering into a contract;
  • Manage allowances and donations from public sources or private in research sector. This processing is based on legal obligation.

4. Data retention timescales

Your personal data will be retained for as long as required for the purposes described above or in so far as such is necessary for compliance with statutory obligations and for solving any disputes.

Data collected in connection with information requests via our website, by email or our social media are deleted at the latest 2 years from the last contact with the data subject.

The data collected to distribute our newsletters is kept until the data subject unsubscribes.

Not accepted projectsAccepted projects
Submitted project6 years30 years
Annexe and support documents of the submitted projects (resubmission)3 years
All supporting documents on the scientific evaluation panel conclusion, synthesis and evaluation(s)30 years
Confidentiality: FNR Confidentiality Agreement (reviewers + Panel) and all supporting documents on the confidential evaluation submitted to the FNR30 years30 years

5. Transfers

FNR stores and transfers personal data as much as possible inside the European Union.

There is no transfer within the peer evaluation but only a temporary availability of the project to be evaluated via the FNR Online Grant Submission System. Nevertheless, FNR might transfer personal data outside European Union in accordance with the data protection law.

FNR Info

The majority of content included in the FNR’s newsletter FNRInfo leads to the FNR website where the full information is available.

Upon registering to the FNRInfo subscriber list, name and email address is added to the FNR subscriber list, after verifying the desire to subscribe in a confirmation email.

This data is used by the FNR to deliver the FNRInfo newsletter, which is sent exclusively by email, as well as to enable analytics of the open and click rate of the FNRInfo newsletter.

Links in the FNRInfo newsletter are tracked and thus FNRInfo click activity flows into the Piwik Pro analysis of the website, this helps the FNR gauge how many of the overall website visits originated via FNRInfo.

The FNR uses this information to better understand which content is the most popular in FNRInfo, as well as to delete any inactive subscribers.

By subscribing to FNRInfo, you consent to the processing of this data for the purposes set out above.

You can unsubscribe from FNRInfo anytime by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link in the footer of the newsletter.

For the FNRInfo, FNR use Mailchimp: Data is stored on Mailchimp owned and operated servers which are located in the United States.

Mailchimp may also use global relay servers to speed up delivery. Mailchimp uses sub-processors (third parties) as outlined in Mailchimp Privacy Policy. Mailchimp may transfer data to these sub-processors in accordance with the GDPR.

However, each of these service providers enters into a contract with Mailchimp that is consistent with Article 28 of the GDPR.

FNR Online Grant Submission System applicant system provides applicants a web services interface for automated submission and further monitoring of completed grant applications and related services.

The system allows applicants who submit grant applications for different FNR instruments to bundle their different applications under one account in order to ease the process of further monitoring and auditing.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any litigation related to the use of this website will be submitted to Luxembourg’s law and belongs to the exclusive Luxembourg jurisdictions. All instances of access to this site are deemed to take place on the premises FNR at the time and date logged on the FNR’s server, with the FNR connections log acting as proof thereof.

Job application

When submitting a job application to the FNR, one of the following two scenarios applies:

  • your application is not retained. In that case, your personal data and all the documents you sent to the FNR are deleted. You will be informed by email too.
  • your application is retained, you are invited to an interview, but finally not engaged for the applied job. In that case, we will ask for your explicit consent to keep your application data for a maximum period of 24 months to consider you for other positions. If after this period, we feel it necessary to retain your records, we will write to you. The request to retain your records will set out the reasons why we wish to hold the information for a longer time period. If you do not want to be considered for other positions, FNR will delete all your data. If we do not receive a response with 8 weeks, we will delete your records.

FNR Event

When registering to an FNR Event, you shall submit your last name, first name, institution name, email address and, possibly the name of an accompanying person.

The personal information collected will be processed by the FNR for the purpose of organising the event. FNR will use this personal information to provide information about the organisation of the event, to conduct satisfaction surveys, or to communicate about other events organised by FNR. Under no circumstances will your collected personal data be passed on third parties.

The collected data is deleted at the end of the project/event.


Furthermore, when registering to an FNR Event, people accept that photographs (photos and/or films) may be taken during the event which the FNR would like to use for promotional purposes on its communication channels (digital platforms such as the FNR website and FNR social networks, the FNR newsletters or printed materials such as the FNR Annual Report). You may object to the processing of your photos or videos at any time by sending an email to

Contact us

When contacting us via the contact form, we require your name and email address. By sending the form you agree that your data will be collected and used by the FNR to process your request.

The right of the Data Subject

In accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data [1], the site user has in particular, the following rights:

Any data subject of which FNR act as controller processes personal data may exercise the following rights:

Right of access: you have the right to obtain confirmation that we are processing your personal data and where this is the case to obtain a copy of these data;

Right of rectification: you have the right to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data that you concerned.

Right to erasure: in specific cases, you have the right to request the erasure of your personal data. We may, however, retain certain information about you as required by law or when we have a legal basis to do so;

Right to restriction of processing: you can request the limitation of certain treatments carried out on your personal data. This right only plays in the following cases:

  • When you dispute the accuracy of your data for the time needed to verify the accuracy of the data;
  • In the case of unlawful processing by us and you do not wish the deletion of the personal data in question;
  • We no longer need your personal data but these are necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of rights in court;
  • When you have exercised your right to oppose the time to verify that the legitimate reasons, we are pursuing take precedence over yours;

Right to object: you have the right to object at any time, on grounds related to your particular situation, to any processing of your personal data necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or based on legitimate interest;

Right to data portability: you have the right to receive personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit these data to another controller. However, when the personal data are not processed by automated means, you do not fulfil the conditions to exercise your right to portability;

Right to withdraw your consent: you can withdraw your consent at every moment when the processing activity is based on it;

Right to lodge a complaint: you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, which in Luxembourg is the CNPD (National Commission for Data Protection).

To exercise this right, contact the FNR’s DPO by email:

[1] General Data Protection Regulation (UE 2016/679)

Last update October 2023