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Luxembourg National Research Fund

Information webinar for FNR Applicants – slides available!

On the 5 February 2024, the FNR hosted a webinar providing practical information on policies, requirements, opportunities, and everything else needed for submitting to our funding calls. A mix of topics were presented, with dedicated Q&A sessions to ask questions to the FNR. In addition, there was be an interactive training session for preparing the Narrative Profile for FNR programmes. The slides presented at the webinar are now available and feedback is very welcome!

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13:15 – 13:25 – Introduction, agenda, and housekeeping
13:25 – 13:55 – How the FNR Evaluates Proposals
  • Purpose: Explanation and recall of the FNR selection processes of research proposals submitted – What happens to your research proposals once they are submitted to the FNR? 
14:00 – 14:25 – Introduction to Research Culture and Research Assessment Policy
  • Purpose: Research culture is an umbrella term covering the values, behaviours, and norms of our communities, and influences how research is evaluated, conducted, and communicated. Over the past few years, there has been more discussions at both national and international levels around how to create a more diverse and inclusive research culture, and this has led directly to initiatives such as the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). This session will provide a brief overview of research culture and research assessment initiatives going on in Luxembourg and around the world.  
14:30 – 14:55 – Open Access at FNR
  • Purpose: Open Access publications contribute to a more efficient and effective use of research results, maximises the potential for innovation, increases the visibility of researchers and their research institutions. FNR funded research projects are mandated to publish their peer reviewed scientific articles under Open Access. Through the Open Access Fund, the FNR provides financial support to cover eligible article processing charges that may arise by using ChronosHub, an Open Access management platform. There will be a short recap of Open Access Policies and the Open Access Fund and a tutorial on Chronos Hub.  
15:00 – 15:25 – CORE/OPEN – what’s new
  • Purpose: General information on both programmes with call specifics for the upcoming call deadlines 2024 
15:30 – 15:55 – BRIDGES/Industrial Fellowships/JUMP
  • Purpose: Knowledge Exchange and Tech Transfer are at the heart of these programmes. We will present the most important aspects and rules as well as answer the most frequent questions that usually reach us. 
16:00 – 16:25 – International Funding Opportunities/INTER Mobility
  • Purpose: Provide an overview on the various FNR funding opportunities available for research in cross-border collaboration and details on which funding scheme to choose from. 
16:30 – 17:25 – Narrative Profile Hands-on Training
  • Purpose: The FNR Narrative Profile is a relatively new format for documenting your career, with the purpose of allowing for a broader range of achievements and experiences to be recognised in evaluation. In this hands-on training, we will go through the parts of the Narrative Profile template, and you will work with your peers to understand how to make a document that fits you and your application. The training is open to all, and recommended for those who have never written a narrative-style CV as well as those who have done so before but are looking to improve their skills.