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Marc Schiltz re-elected President of Science Europe

Marc Schiltz, Secretary General and Executive Head of the FNR, has been re-elected President of Science Europe, an association of major European research funding and research performing organisations. The FNR has been an active member and a strong supporter of Science Europe since its creation in 2011.

Science Europe held its 18th General Assembly in Brussels, today. Marc Schiltz, the outgoing President, has been re-elected for a second mandate. He is joined by Ingrid Petersson (Director General of the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development- FORMAS) and by Rosa Menéndez (President of the Spanish National Research Council- CSIC) as Vice-Presidents. The new Governing Board gathers 13 members, from across the entire membership.

Marc Schiltz is determined to see Science Europe through the many challenges faced by the scientific community and takes it on him to champion the political vision set by the General Assembly for the upcoming two years.

Science Europe has enormously gained in visibility over the past few years. We have become a fairly-respected stakeholder in the European Research Area. As President, I will devote my energy and forces to make sure that Science Europe continues on that path,” declared President Schiltz.

As is the Science Europe tradition, both Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) share the association’s vice-presidency. “At Science Europe, both research performers and research funders address some of the most important and most relevant challenges in a collaborative manner. They formulate policies together and that is very unique within Europe and beyond. I believe that there is no similar organisation in other places of the world,” stressed President Schiltz.

As President of Science Europe, Marc Schiltz also is a member of the Governing Board of the Global Research Council, which brings together leading global figures from the areas science and engineering science.

About Science Europe

Science Europe is an association of 37 major European research funding and research performing organisations in 28 countries, with a combined annual investment in public research of around 18 billion euros. It was established in 2011 to promote the collective interests of its members and to foster collaboration between them.

Science Europe’s newly elected Governing Board:

  • Marc Schiltz, Secretary General at National Research Fund (FNR), Luxemburg;
  • Ingrid Petersson, Director General of A Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS), Sweden;
  • Rosa Menéndez, President of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain;
  • Roland Fischer, Vice-President of German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany;
  • Zbigniew Błocki, President of the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland;
  • Angelika Kalt, Director of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland;
  • József Györkös, Director of Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Slovenia;
  • Melanie Welham, Executive Chair, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), United Kingdom;
  • Antonio Zoccoli, President of National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italy;
  • Thierry Damerval, President/ CEO of French National Research Agency (ANR), France;
  • Darrin Morrisey, Chief Executive of Health Research Board (HRB), Ireland;
  • John-Arne Røttingen, CEO of Research Council of Norway (RCN), Norway;
  • Sven Stafström, Director General at Swedish Research Council (VR), Sweden;

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