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New Open access book unlocks the world of science communication

The University of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) have released “50 essentials on science communication”, a textbook dedicated to the fascinating venture of presenting, explaining and engaging people in research.

The book is aimed primarily at young scientists wanting to make their first steps in science communication and communication managers in research institutions.

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“Our entertaining and handy book can also be enjoyed by persons who are simply interested in the subject. As the entire team of authors are science communicators, our ongoing aim is to provide easily accessible information.”

Serge Haan, Professor at the University of Luxembourg and one of the three co-editors. 

The image of the scientists doing mysterious things in a secretive lab is a thing of the past – or should be!  As research is a major contributor for development and well-being of societies, science communication has the responsibility to inform and educate, while connecting scientists with people, institutions and organisations outside of research.

“Our modern knowledge societies are confronted with highly complex issues such as pandemics, artificial intelligence and climate change. Science must do a hell of a job here to be perceived as a source of reliable information so as not to leave the field to fake news and fraudsters.”

Dirk Hans (Science Relations), also co-editor of the book.  

“50 essentials on science communication” can be downloaded for free on the webpage of De Gruyter, or ordered as hard copy, for example on Amazon or other online book shops.  

Who wrote and edited the book? 

The three editors are Jean-Paul Bertemes, Head of Science in Society at the FNR, Serge Haan, Professor and special advisor for public engagement and citizen science at the University and Dirk Hans, international lecturer and trainer in science communication. A range of 12 internationally renowned authors and 20 experts from the science communication network in Luxembourg have contributed to the multifaceted book, which covers 50 topics on 136 pages. 

“With this handy book, we want to highlight the importance of science communication not only in Luxembourg, but also the worldwide endeavour of modern research and science. This publication provides the basics of goal-oriented science communication.” 

Jean-Paul Bertemes, Head of Science in Society at the FNR.

Content of the book 

To start, the book offers chapters about fundamental concepts of science communication. The second part is about strategic science communication, before the book gets very practical, with chapters on different channels used in science communication, such as social media, podcasts, science festivals or school labs. Finally, in the last chapter the authors tackle several hot topics, among others competition in science communication, fake news, animals in research and additional ethical considerations in science communication.  

The institutions behind the book 

“Our mission is to share knowledge and collaborate with society in a dialogue. I am delighted by the release of this book, which embodies our aspirations, and which will be offered to all students and researchers at the University.” 

Jens Kreisel, rector of the University of Luxembourg.

“As funders of research activities and a key partner in effective science communication, we are thrilled to support this significant step towards our shared vision. This book represents our commitment to fostering a culture of curiosity, dialogue, and active participation in science.” 

Andreea Monnat, acting Secretary General of the FNR.

The editors are proud that so many renowned authors share their valuable insights with readers. “Our aim was to curate a collection of articles that would inspire and engage the readers while preserving the individuality and authenticity of each author’s voice. The diverse views and styles presented in this book reflect the multitude of facets, goals and circumstances within the field of science communication”, highlight the editors.  

Authors from Luxembourg are: Arnaud d’Agostini, Jean-Paul Bertemes, Lisa Burke, Oliver Glassl, Didier Goossens, Serge Haan, Emily Iversen, Aswin Lutchanah, Olivier Marquis, Julien Meyer, Thierry Meyrath, Patrick Michaely, Juliette Pertuy, Sonia Ramos, Joseph Rodesch, Britta Schlüter, Christina Siri, Guillaume Trapp, Michèle Weber, and Sara Wilmes. 
International authors are: Cissi Askwall, Rainer Bromme, Dirk Hans, Elisabeth Hoffmann, Julia Offe, Daniel Saraga, Hannes Schlender, David Schley, Volker Stollorz, Markus Weisskopf, Kay Yeoman, Ricarda Ziegler.