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Take Off Science Challenge Show: Call for ideas for season 2!

After the first season of The Take Off Science Challenge Show started airing in January, the Take Off team is already planning its thrilling second season! We want your creative input. Do you have an idea for a science challenge that’s surprising, tricky, and can be cracked by our candidates within maximum 90 minutes? Can it be brought to life in a studio setting, creating those heart-pounding suspense moments? Submit your idea by 26 February 2024.

Whether you’re a science communicator or enthusiast, share your idea with us at the FNR. Your challenge could steal the spotlight! The selected challenges will be produced and developed further by our team.  

Please send your idea by email to Joseph Rodesch and Lucie Zeches by 26 February 2024.

What Makes an Ideal Challenge for the Take Off Show?

If you want to contribute your challenge idea to the Take Off show, these guidelines can help you to ensure it’s exciting and engaging. Each episode of the show is centered around a dedicated topic, such as space, chemistry, telecommunication, music, sports, and more, with three distinct challenges (among those one duell):

Types of challenges:

  1. Team Challenges: These involve three teams of up to four people competing against each other. The maximum solving time for team challenges should be approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
  2. Duel Challenges: In duels, two candidates go head-to-head, and one will be eliminated from the show after this challenge. The solving time for duel challenges is around 15 minutes, and they should be feasible for a single contestant.
  3. Solo Challenges: After the first six episodes, teams are dissolved, and contestants must tackle solo challenges. Initially, each contestant (up to six in parallel) works alone. The second challenge in each of the last episodes is a team challenge featuring two teams.

General criteria for all challenges:

  • Objective Measurement: The result and the winning team should be measurable and objective.
  • Visual Appeal: The challenge should have visual appeal for the audience.
  • Clear Rules: Rules should be transparent and understandable for all participants, leaving room for creative thinking.
  • Multiple Solutions: Challenges should allow for more than one solution to reach the goal, encouraging diverse approaches.
  • Winning Scenarios: There are two possible winning situations: either the fastest team to achieve the result wins or, after a fixed time, a competition decides the winner.
  • Studio Feasibility: Challenges should be doable within a studio setting with an area of 600 square meters.
  • Safety: Challenges must not pose any danger to the teams or contestants involved.
  • Accessibility: Ideally, challenges should not require special knowledge. Contestants should be able to find solutions by combining their experiences and logical thinking. If specific knowledge is necessary, we can provide information sheets or offer brief training beforehand.

What is the Take Off Show?

Experience science in a completely different way! Candidates compete against each other to solve science challenges. A rousing mix of emotions, tricky challenges and courageous young people: the Science Challenge Show Take Off will be a great, exciting event!  

12 young talents between the ages of 15 and 21 will compete for the big prize money of €10,000! With cleverness, skill and scientific acumen, they have to solve tricky challenges and put their scientific minds to the test to get ahead, because: in each episode, one participant has to leave the show!

After 6 months of production, the time has finally come: from Sunday, there will be a new episode every week! We can’t give too much away yet, except to say that there will be plenty of excitement, emotion and aha moments. There’s already a little taster on InstagramTikTok and YouTube.

Take Off is a joint initiative of the André Losch Fondation and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR). The show is produced by FreeLens in cooperation with BrainPlug and Moast.  

Watch the first 4 episodes below!

Related contacts

Lucie Zeches

Science Writer/Communicator

Joseph Rodesch

Science Communicator (Mr Science)