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FNR training for researchers: how to explain your research to politicians

How to explain your research to politicians: The FNR’s online training for researchers takes place on 29 April (13h30-17h00 – fully booked) and 30 April (09h00-12h30 – places still available) at Belval. Register now!

You can only register for one option, via the forms below.

About the training

Do you believe that your scientific research and expertise can help authorities and associations? Then you have to understand these audiences to make sure that your knowledge reaches them and will be understood.

This workshop provides you with the tools to ensure that your messages can be integrated into the decision-making processes. In particular, it will show you how policy briefs can be used to summarize expert knowledge compactly. You will learn the golden rules of communicating expert advice, discuss concrete examples and do hands-on exercises to summarize your research.

The Luxembourg parliament’s Scientific Unit, which brings scientific evidence to politicians, will also present their work during the workshop.

The places for this training are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis (priority will be given to the participants of the Pairing Scheme as well as to the participants of the workshop “How to engage with policymakers”). Eligible are only researchers or science communicators working for a Luxembourgish research institution/association. 

30 April registration & programme

Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at Maison du Savoir, room 3.180 (3rd floor)

08h30: Coffee

09h00 : start of training 

12h30: end of training

Registration form 30 April