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Luxembourg National Research Fund

2021 FNR Annual Report now available!

The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) has published its annual report for 2021, marked by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, but which also saw the funding of 226 research projects for a committed amount of 74.08 million euros. In 2021, the FNR also developed its Strategy and Action Plan for the years 2022-25. Discover the 2021 FNR Annual Report now!

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The past two years have been tremendous in many aspects. The pandemic has changed our world, both professional and private environments. Like every crisis, it also bears opportunities for change and improvement.

In Luxembourg, science was thrust into the limelight, considered a source of evidence and information, both by the public and policymakers. 20 years ago, it was questioned if a small country like Luxembourg should set up research centres and a university at all – now, the crisis proved how much the country can benefit from its own scientific expertise.

2022-25 Strategy & Action Plan developed

To further deepen and extend this input of Luxembourgish research on society, the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) has signed its multi-annual agreement with the Government for the period 2022-2025, with a total budget of 445 MEUR over these four years.

The FNR’s 2022-25 Strategy and Action Plan is part of the implementation of the National Research and Innovation Strategy for Luxembourg adopted by the Government in late 2019. Our ambition: to invest in developing a first-class R&I system that creates value for society.

“Society’s expectations are that research should produce knowledge that, in the long term, will have a positive impact on the quality of life of people, economic diversification and sustainable development. Thus, a key element of the FNR’s strategy is the integration of the needs, values, and expectations of societal stakeholders into research activities,” explains Marc Schiltz, CEO of the FNR

“The pandemic and the climate crisis have highlighted the critical role of research and science communication. With its new strategic plan, the FNR contributes to the implementation of Luxembourg’s national research and innovation strategy,” adds Martine Reicherts, Chair of the FNR Board.

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