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Luxembourg National Research Fund

International cooperation: NORFACE and HERA launch new programme – CHANSE

The NORFACE and HERA networks are pleased to announce that the new CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) consortium will soon announce a call for international research projects on ‘Transformations: social and cultural dynamics in the digital age’. The programme will be implemented by 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries, coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN).

The first Call will launch in March 2021 with a pre-proposal deadline of 7 May 2021.

CHANSE will support new and innovative research into the workings, meaning and consequences of transformations and innovations in the present digital age, viewed through the lens of the social and cultural dynamics. The objective of the call is to help understand how digital innovations give rise to social and cultural changes, and are also influenced by society and culture.

CHANSE will be implemented by 27 research funding organisations (including the FNR) from 24 countries, coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). The total call budget amounts to 36 MEUR and includes over 26 MEUR of national allocations complemented by up to 10 MEUR in co-funding from the European Commission.

Go to FNR-CHANSE programme page

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