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Luxembourg National Research Fund

International cooperation: Belgium-Luxembourg research cooperation strengthened

The FNR has signed two bilateral agreements with the FWO and the F.R.S-FNRS to strengthen and intensify the excellent research cooperation with Belgium.

In order to consolidate collaboration between Belgian and Luxembourg researchers in the field of basic research, the FNR has extended its respective bilateral agreements with the Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Fund (FWO) and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S-FNRS).

Recent years have shown that joint funding of research projects has contributed to strengthening cross-border research relationships between the most outstanding institutions and groups in Luxembourg, Flanders and Wallonia. Each year, fifteen to twenty joint projects are submitted for evaluation.

The three funding agencies thus pursue their common objective of fostering scientific collaboration, considering that the most effective way to obtain the best research is to cooperate with the best researchers abroad. Thanks to these agreements, teams of scientists from Luxembourg, Wallonia and Flanders will carry out joint research projects in the fields defined by mutual agreement between the F.R.S-FNRS and the FNR, on the one hand, and the FWO and the FNR, on the other hand.

The FWO, respectively the F.R.S-FNRS, are the lead agencies for this bilateral cooperation, which means that all funding requests must be submitted and evaluated by them. However, all funding decisions will be taken by mutual agreement in consultation with the FNR. In the event of approval, the FNR and the Belgian institutions will finance their respective components of the accepted projects, in accordance with their existing financial practices.

The agreement concluded concerns cooperation in the framework of research projects of a maximum duration of four years. These bilateral projects should provide clear scientific added value through complementary cross-border research activities.

Dr Marc Schiltz, Secretary General of the FNR, stated at the signing ceremony that the FNR is delighted to be able to continue to support Luxembourg researchers working with excellent Flemish and Walloon scientists, thus further strengthening the very good collaborative relationships already existing between the three agencies.

FNR-FWO programme page

FNR-FNRS programme page


Marc Schiltz (left) with Dr Hans Willems, Secretary General of the FWO

Left to right: Vincent Blondel, President of the F.R.S.-FNRS; Marc Schiltz; Véronique Halloin, Secretary General of the F.R.S.-FNRS

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