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Luxembourg National Research Fund

Master, PhD and Postdocs – apply now to attend the 2024 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting!

The FNR is pleased to announce the Call for talented young researchers to participate as Luxembourg delegates at the 73rd edition of the renowned Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany. The meeting takes place from 30 June to 5 July 2024, and is dedicated to Physics. Deadline to apply is Friday, 20 October 2023.

The meeting will see Nobel Laureates in physics congregate in Lindau to meet the next generation of leading scientists and researchers. Approximately 600 excellent young researchers from all over the globe will get the unique chance to participate in the meeting.

About the programme

The programme features a broad variety of content including:

  • Lectures on the significance of Nobel Prize winning research
  • Presentations of latest research findings
  • Talks on specialised research topics and on ‘science in society’ issues

The aim of the meetings’ various sessions and social activities is determined by the guiding principle “Educate. Inspire. Connect”. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting thus provides ample opportunities for young researchers to learn from outstanding scientists and to get valuable insight into the scope of a researchers’ life, to find inspiration from one another and to connect through ideas and friendship.

Who can apply

This Call is open to:

  • Candidates of Luxembourg origins (Luxembourg nationality or Luxembourg residence for 5+ years)
  • Non-Luxembourgers who conduct their university studies or research* at a Luxembourg-based institution

*they are under employment contract in Luxembourg at the time of submission.

Candidates must be under the age of 35, and at Masters, PhD or early Postdoc level, in the field of physics or closely related disciplines. Please refer to the document in section ‘Selection process’ for more detailed information about the selection criteria of the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.

How to apply

If you are interested in taking part in the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, the FNR invites you to submit your application, which consists of:

A completed Travel Grant Application Form A narrative-style CV, based on this template An up-to-date ORCiD profile (online platform), indicating your education, any employment and eventual works produced

Please send your application by Friday, 20 October 2023 per Email to Ms Jill Mousel ( For any questions, please contact Marie-Claude Marx (

Selection process

The FNR will conduct a pre-selection and nominate up to two candidates to the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Nominated candidates are then invited to submit a separate application (including a letter of recommendation) directly to the Lindau selection committee for the final selection.

Funding specifics

All fixed expenses related to the participation of the nominated candidates (i.e. travel, accommodation, registration) will be covered by the FNR, the Foundation Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and/or other funder(s).

Previous Luxembourg participants

At the end of the meeting, participants are invited to give feedback on their experiences. Below you can read FNR highlights based on interviews with previous participants from Luxembourg.

Related contacts

Marie-Claude Marx, PhD

Programme Manager

(not available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons)